Focusing on setup and development using SQL Server products from 2000 to 2008 and beyond. Also about anything geeky that compels me to write a blog entry.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Using IIF instead of CASE

For years the primary means of expressing conditional logic in SQL Server has been the CASE statement, which allows for powerful set-based logic and I personally love.  However, sometimes you just have a quick two-way decision that you need to make in your data set or just with variables, and CASE syntax feels a bit overkill.  Especially if you also code in a programming language that gives you the IIF function.

Thank you SQL Server 2012.  The IIF has arrived.

Now you can (and I already have, extensively) deal with situations where if the Boolean answer to a formula is true, do this, else do that using IIF.  Here is a quick, simple example.

Declare @Value1 Int = 1,

@Value2 Int = 2

Print '@Value1=' + Convert(varchar(1),@Value1)

Print '@Value2=' + Convert(varchar(1),@Value2)

Print IIF(@Value1 = @Value2,'They Equal','They Do Not Equal')

Set @Value2 = 1

Print '@Value1=' + Convert(varchar(1),@Value1)

Print '@Value2=' + Convert(varchar(1),@Value2)

Print IIF(@Value1 = @Value2,'They Equal','They Do Not Equal')

This is not revolutionary, but it does make for a nice shortcut in true/false scenarios, and it is another step toward shared syntax with external programs.  A small but good addition to SQL 2012.

Until next time, may well defined requirements be at your back and realistic timelines lie before you.

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